Love is Nord
photographes & Organisateurs de mariage intime & elopement au Québec
Célébrante de mariage
L'expérience Love is Nord
Mariages intimes et elopements au Québec
Tout inclus, sur-mesure & sans stress
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Do you ever dream of leaving everything aside? Of running away with your partner for a long weekend? Of living in the present moment without schedule and without flafla? Of organizing your intimate wedding on an island in Quebec?
Do you ever imagine your wedding day going like this? No large group, no big reception and no pressure… Would you like your wedding day to be intimate, just the two of you or with the few persons who matter most to you?
Marilou & Nicolas decided that this was how they wanted to live one of the happiest days of their lives. One of the most significant. They said Yes to each other. Alone, standing facing the sea, on an island surrounded by mist in the middle of the St. Lawrence River.
During our meetings to help them organize all of this, we made several suggestions for romantic and surprising places for an intimate wedding in Quebec. Their only criterion was that they wanted to get married in a seaside atmosphere within a radius of about 4 hours by road from Montreal where they live. Following our advice, they finally chose Île Verte located very close to Rivière-du-Loup.
On this island, only one road, no mass tourism, no ATM. A bucolic and marine atmosphere, a lighthouse (the oldest on the St. Lawrence) and blessed peace!
Patrick and I had convinced them to get up at dawn to exchange their wedding vows. After scouting the day before D-Day to find the perfect location on the island, we knew that the sun would come directly behind them at the magic moment. We had planned everything for an elopement at sunrise. Ha ha ha! What a surprise that morning! Mother Nature offered us the spectacle of an intense fog that covered the island! We felt in a cocoon of sweetness. And Nicolas even told us that it couldn’t be more perfect since it reminded him of his native Normandy.
When you let go of traditions, expectations and the superfluous, only what is simple, pure and true remains. We surrender to the present moment. We live. What could be better than experiencing it all on your wedding day!
To learn more about elopements and intimate weddings, read our article about What is an elopement?
Célébrante de mariage
L'expérience Love is Nord
Mariages intimes et elopements au Québec
Tout inclus, sur-mesure & sans stress
Consulter le site web (version française)
Go to website (english version)
Salut! On est Patrick & Josée.
On est les photographes & organisateurs de mariage intime et d'elopement de Love is Nord. Amoureux d'aventures et de voyages, on adore fusionner les paysages et les gens. Basés à Québec, on est toujours partants pour vous aider à planifier et photographier votre mariage partout dans la province et même ailleurs dans le monde.
On vous promet de vous aider à faire de votre journée de mariage une expérience significative et personnalisée. On est ici pour répondre à toutes vos questions concernant les mariages intimes et les elopements. On a vraiment hâte de vous aider à planifier votre journée à votre image.
Contactez-nous et laissez-nous vous guider.
Comment inclure votre famille & vos amis ?
Besoin d'inspiration ? Explorez notre portfolio par destination
Tous droits réservés. Ne pas plagier.
Toutes les photos & le contenu © 2025 Love is Nord
Love is Nord
Photographes & organisateurs d'elopement et de mariage intime au Québec et partout ailleurs
C'est dans notre nature... on suit les principes
Sans Trace
aux membres de la communauté LGBTQ+
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couramment français & anglais